Slenderman teen avoids jail

Slenderman teen avoids jail

One of the two teens  Annisa Weier who together with Morgan Geyser attacked their friend Payton Leutner to kill her has avoids jail

The Gilgo Beach investigation has just been turned on its head

The Gilgo Beach investigation has just been turned on its head

The Gilgo Beach investigation has just been turned on its head.

When John Bittrolff got arrested for the murders of Colleen McNamee and Rita Tangredi some saw a connection to the Long Island Serial Killer

Garry Gampfer walks out of prison as a free man

Garry Gampfer walks out of prison as a free man

In 1993 a teenager named, Gary Gampfer was convicted of killing 8-year-old Jessica Buckler. Gampfer was sentenced to 40 years in prison but was released Friday.

Jessica Buckler´s family are devastated to know the killer will come living in their neighborhood. The crime happened in northern Kentucky

Jack Porter who prosecuted the case told that the fact Gampfer out doesn't only concern Jessica's family as he continues to tell he would be concerned too if he was living in his neighborhood

Killer clown captured on video

Killer clown captured on video

Since the release of Stephen King´s IT movie, the first sighting of a killer clown has been reported this September

But in this case, it is believed to be a prank by the Gags the Green Bay clown. Gags has a Facebook fan page and a lot of people have made connections to Gags and the footage taken from the video of the creepy clown lurking around with balloons

Ashton Matheny father of Savanna Greywind's baby shares first baby picture

Ashton Matheny father of Savanna Greywind's baby shares first baby picture

Ashton Matheny the prude father of Savanna Greywinds daughter has shared the first baby pictures of the little girl. The little girl is called Haisley Jo and one has to agree with Savanna´s mother Norberta Greywind the baby girl looks just like Savanna.

Even though Savanna´s parents and boyfriend Ashton Matheny has found joy by meeting the newborn they are still mourners. Looking at the picture taken of Mr. Matheny on the day of Savanna´s funeral is devastating

The two suspected killers Brooke Lynn Crews and William Hohen seems to have begun turning the blame on each other their testimonies don´t match up

Leslie Van Houten is granted parole in notorious murder case

Leslie Van Houten is granted parole in

 notorious murder case

The now 68 years old Leslie Van Houten-- was granted parole suitability at a hearing at the California Institution for Women in Corona, CA Wednesday. It doesn't mean she's out, but it's a big step toward that.

The voice of the La Biancas oldest grandson Tony LaMantagne broke as he noted he is about to turn 44 the same age his grandfather was when he was killed. LaMantagne was supported by Debra Tate.

Jerry Brown, He will have 30 days to make his decision on whether Van Houten will be a free woman or not

Savanna Greywind's cause of death And how womb raider Hoehn cracked his own baby's skull

Savanna Greywind's cause of death  And how womb raider Hoehn cracked his own baby's skull

In a Facebook statement, Fargo Police announced how 22-year-old pregnant Savanna Greywind died

Hoehn admits to helping Crews getting rid of bloody towels

William Hoehn has a domestic case against him for pushing Crews into a bathtub.  He was reportedly convicted of misdemeanor domestic assault and were sentenced to 30 days in jail

In 2012 Hoehen was convicted of felony child abuse for causing skull fractures to his infant son

IT movie might release a new wave of killer clown sightings

IT movie might release a new wave of killer clown sightings

Killer clown alert due to the release of the IT movie

With the upcoming release of Stephen King's It movie on Friday 8 the police express concerns of a new killer clown or creepy clown wave

The concern about the release the remaking of the IT movie is so serious that an app called see something send something has been launched for people to be able to quickly report any sightings of creepy/Scary clown sightings in the fall of 2017

In 2016 the phenomenon was so massive it launched a mass hysteria among scared and concerned people. That made some pranksters dress as clowns and go on a killer clown spree. What might have seemed as a prank to some made others crept out which led to arrests of several clowns all over the world

A new California law might set Leslie Van Houten free

A new California law might set Leslie Van Houten free

Leslie Van Houten A former member of the Manson Family led by Charles Manson, might be released due to a new California law.

Van Houten was 19-years-old when she took part in the awful murders of Rosemary and Leno La Bianca's killings in the 1960's

The recent change in the law enables those who committed crimes when they were less than 23 years old to seek a hearing and for these issues to be later discussed at a parole hearing 

Cory La Bianca who is the daughter of Leno La Bianca doesn't think Leslie Van Houten should be rewarded with freedom for her good behavior in prison. Cory La Bianca tells how she lives with the gruesome murder of her father and how her six-year-old grandson has asked Leno. How should she explain to a little child how her father was so savagely murdered.

Charles Manson, Patricia Krenwinkel and Charles 'Tex' Watson are still in jail for the killings. As well was Susan Atkins until she passed away in 2009.

Chris Watts | Mistress wanted to help

Chris Watts | Mistress wanted to help In this video, we cover who Chris Watts’ mistress was. Her name is Nicole Kissinger and she has made a...