Pregnant Savanna Greywind was probably victim of a womb raider couple

Pregnant Savanna Greywind was probably victim of a womb raider couple

Pregnant Savanna Greywind was probably victim of a womb raider couple

The 22-year-old pregnant Savanna Greywind whose body was recovered from a river  might have been the victim of a womb raider couple

North Dakota authorities are investigating all theories in the murder of the young woman. 

Miss Greywind went missing on August 19 as she went to visit neighbors  32-year-old William Henry Hoehn and 38-year-old Brooke Lynn Crews in her apartment building.

Hoehn and Crews were arrested the following Thursday. Authorities found a two-day old baby girl in their apartment. The baby is believed to be the daughter of Savanna Greywind.

At the moment DNA samples are being tested to confirm if the little baby is Miss Greywind´s, daughter.

Experts tell it´s not uncommon for women to befriend a pregnant woman with the mindset of killing her to steal the baby. Women like that have often told a spouse they are pregnant, and as their due date gets closer they look for a pregnant woman they can befriend or lure in other ways to kill and steal the baby.

What makes this case unusual is that a man is involved other cases of womb raiders have always involved women only and the man has first gotten aware of what has been going on when his spouse has been arrested. But in the murder of Savanna Greywind, both a man and a woman are suspected of committing the murder together

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